we understand fish .... and people

Jerry Daoust:
Owner & Head Guide

Before I was old enough to remember, before I was old enough to crawl, I was fishing. First chasing minnows on my knees as a baby and once I was old enough to stand I was old enough to hold a rod ... I never put it down. It's not about catching the most fish or being the best caster, it's more than this. For me it's about everything fishing is and touches, it's the waters, the wildlife, the local cultures, the experiences you share with others on the river, the chance to challenge yourself, to give back, to educate, advocate, protect and grow.
I have experienced many amazing things few will ever get a chance to. Guiding gives me the opportunity to share those things with others, it's is not what I do, and fishing is not why I do it ... they are part of who I am and my purpose. Guiding gives me a platform to share my knowledge and educate others while continuously improve as an angler. Our fisheries are fragile resources, now more than ever before, as guides it is both our responsibility and our privilege to be an advocate for them.
Challenging the status quo is something we believe in, always innovating new or traditional angling techniques and exploring new waters. Our attitude to self improve is what has allowed us to become diversified anglers and enables us to share the benefits of our pioneering with our guests.
“We will lead you to the fish and work with you to hook up. We are the coach on the sidelines and our guests are the star players!"

We are a husband and wife duo with a true passion for fishing, adventure, and the outdoors. For us, it's not about catching fish ourselves any more, it's about enabling and teaching others how to catch fish. We are rewarded with the knowledge we gain from being on the fishery day in and day out, something very few get the chance to experience and for that we are grateful.